An Interview with Nancy Almodovar by Joyce Crawford


An Interview with Nancy Almodovar

Joyce Crawford


I am continuing with interviews with Christian indie authors.  

Today, I am speaking with Dr. Nancy A. Almodovar, Christian indie author and apologist for the Christian Faith. 

Joyce:  Welcome Nancy

Thank you, Joyce, I am very glad to have this opportunity share.

Joyce:  Tell us your name and what genre would you consider your books to be?

NANCY: My name is Dr. Nancy A. Almodovar. My genre is Theology and Apologetics. Most Christians understand that theology is the study of God as revealed in His Written Word. Apologetics is a bit different. The best way to explain apologetics is to use what Peter says in his Epistle, and I’ll summarize:  When someone asks the reason you are a Christian have an answer for them. This field is about both proclaiming and defending the Christian faith. Apologetics isn’t about debating but about answering the questions non-believers, and someone even believers have about the Christian faith. It deals with anything from Creation to the Incarnation (Jesus, who is God becoming Man), from sin to the Resurrection of Jesus, etc.  As Christians we are to have an answer for why we believe, and it must be based upon objective evidence and not our feelings or opinions.

Joyce:  When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

NANCY: I was probably in Kindergarten or First Grade when I bought my first Diary with my allowance. I remember drawing and trying to write about my day. Eventually I had a stack of diaries through High School. After, when Christ brought me to the True Faith, I began to write again in prayer journals and Bible study notes.

Joyce:  How long does it take you to write a book?

NANCY:  Well, normally about 6-9 months. However, when Covid hit, I knocked out three manuscripts in 2020 and published all three this year.

Joyce:  What is your work schedule like when you’re writing?

NANCY: I write best in the morning. I read from the Treasury of Daily Prayer and have my coffee, grade papers for the university I teach at and then get to writing. By lunch I’m fairly well done with writing.

Joyce:  How did you get published?

NANCY:  My mentor recommended me to my publisher.

Joyce:  Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

NANCY:  My work is on apologetics so there is plenty in today’s world that needs to be addressed with the Gospel.

Joyce:  What does your family think of your writing?

NANCY:  Most are very supportive, others…well, you know sometimes family is the hardest to convince.

Joyce:  What makes you an unforgettable or unique personality?

NANCY: I tend to remember almost everything I read or see. My friends will often laugh at me and ask if I need new RAM memory sticks once in a while.  I love just sitting and watching my chickens in the backyard.  They are very funny with their own personalities.

Joyce:  How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

NANCY:  I have written over 5 books that are longer and about 30 short books as helpful tools for Christians. My favorite, well, that would be Creedal Apologetics. It is useful for every Christian no matter their denomination and just so basic that friends and others have told me it’s simple to use.

Joyce:  What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?

NANCY:  I can’t say anything specific. If people looked at our life then they would see a lot of pain, sickness, dealing with church people and wonder how I stay a Christian. However, my degree out of Strasbourg France through the International Academy of Apologetics is probably up there at the top of the list along with my Doctorate.

Joyce:  Do you have any suggestions to help authors become a better writer? If so, what are they?

NANCY:  Use your friends and family to read preview copies. Most will pick up typos that even your editor or copywriter won’t. They’ll be brutally honest and that’s what you need and should want.

Joyce:  Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?

NANCY: I do hear from them often. Most say that I’ve taken theology and apologetics and made it simple for them to understand. I’ve taken the “scary” out of sharing the Christian faith. I’ve given them tools that are practical to help them answer those who are non-Christians in their social circle. 

Joyce:  Do you like to create books for adults?

NANCY:  While my books are mostly for adults, young catechumens can also use them because they’re written in a way that makes things simple.

Joyce:  As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?

NANCY: Well, I ended up a Doctor of Theology/Philosophy so in a way that’s been fulfilled but in a more meaningful manner.

Joyce:  Tell me about your book. How did you come up with that idea?

NANCY:  It was right after covid lockdowns began that I started to teach apologetics on Zoom. I began with the basics of apologetics then into world religions. Then I realized that we Lutherans are always confessing the Apostles’ Creed in the Divine Service and it hit me that this was a good roadway to answer the questions of non-Christians. I realized that it was a tool in our evangelism toolbox and if I could show how each line would answer various questions, then those who knew the Creed would be better prepared to answer the questions of those fearful of death.

Joyce:  How did you get interested in writing this genre?

NANCY:  My first class on Apologetics at Trinity just hooked me in.  It was engaging, insightful and built up my own faith in Christ.

Joyce:  What kind of research did you do for this book?

NANCY:  I had to go to the Ancient Church and read the Apostolic Fathers, the Church Fathers and 2nd Century Apologists along with all the Lutheran Dogmatics I could find. Martin Luther’s own Catechism and Explanation came in extremely handy.

Joyce:  Do you have a new book in the making and if so, what’s the name of your upcoming book?

NANCY:  I do. It is called Nothing Else Matters: Why the Resurrection Changes Everything.  It is about the proofs of the resurrection of Jesus Christ both documentarily and eyewitness accounts. It speaks about how because the resurrection actually did occur then life in this world has changed.

It was based upon the deathbed confession of Harvard Professor Jaroslav Pelikan who said: “If the resurrection of Jesus did not happen, then nothing else matters. If the resurrection of Jesus did happen, then nothing else matters.”

Joyce:  What’s the best thing about being an author?

NANCY: Sharing all that I’ve have learned with others. I’ve always been encouraged to learn whatever I can because you never know when God will use it. So, I try to make what I’ve learned in higher education easier for others so they too may use these tools to proclaim and defend the Christian faith.

Joyce:  Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

NANCY:  Still writing, speaking at churches and women’s groups and helping Christians defend the faith in a sin-fallen world.

Joyce:  Where can your fans find you and follow?

NANCY: My website address is

 Facebook Author Page

 Twitter @GirlLutheran


Joyce Thank you Nancy. It is a pleasure getting to know you. I wish you much success and God’s blessings.



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