Why I Write?



Why I Write


I am certain every author has at one time, or another been asked, “Why do you write?”

For me, at least three reasons come to mind. First, I started writing children's books because I love teaching children. It thrills me to see their little eyes light up when they “get it.” Children are little sponges. They are eager to absorb anything, and there is so much I want to share with them, both temporal and spiritual.

The second reason I write is very personal. I write for my children, so they will know the background of our families, and I enjoyed the extended trip down memory lane. Our newer generation has never experienced the joy of opening a box of laundry detergent and finding a dish towel hidden in the box. I want them to know how we licked trading stamps to fill a book because we did not have the money to buy items we wanted or needed. I want my grandchildren to know what things cost when I was young. I want them to know what is important and necessary. So, I write.

I am writing my third adult/young adult novel for the same reason. I want my children and grandchildren to know their genealogy as far back as I have been able to research. Our Burton family comes from a line of knights from King Edward I in England. I also want to share with my children how our Christian heritage came down to us as far back as the Medieval period.

The last reason I write, may be the most important reason. I am convinced that God gives me stories or at least ideas. Ideas or inspirations come to me in my dreams, or sometimes in the shower, or sometimes when I am digging in the dirt planting my vegetable garden. I want to tell people how wonderful, amazing, and loving our God is. So, my writing becomes my witness, and I feel compelled to write.

The idea for The Warehouse came from an allegory I heard in church as a teenager. When I shared the idea with friends, many of them had never heard the allegory. Because this allegory is so powerful, and can be very personal, I want to share it with everyone, for it tells the amazing love and care of God.



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