Happy Wednesday! Here's today's #FaithandInk devotional:

“… Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”
~1 Corinthians 15:58

I love to write, but to be successful as a writer, we have to do more than just write. We have to do the research, marketing, maintenance, and everything else required to pay the bills. And we have to stay on task. If I wrote about whatever I wanted to on any given day, I would have over 1,000 books started, and none of them finished. The same would probably be true of blog posts.

Life as an author isn't simply about writing; it's about producing. So, while I don’t always need motivation to write, I might need motivation to finish a project. Can you relate to that? Do you ever have a day when you just can’t seem to get into the grove?

When I am in need of encouragement or motivation to move forward, I look to God’s Word. Believe it or not, God has a lot to say about motivation; the Bible is simply chock-full of encouragement to work hard. Verses like 1 Corinthians 15:58, Psalm 37:5, Matthew 6:33, Galatians 6:9, and Luke 4:8 leap to mind.

So, on days when I feel unmotivated to get anything done, I bring myself back to this: To give myself fully to the work of the Lord, is to work even when I don’t feel like it. When I start to grow weary of doing good, I have to trust in the Lord to renew my strength (Is. 40:31).

Because the difference between writing as a hobby and being an author as a profession is in the way we treat our writing life. If we want to make a difference for Jesus, we have to work hard for the Lord. Whether we hope He will use our words or use our gift of writing as a source of income to bless our family, we still have to work hard for the Lord if we want to see the fruits of our labor.

Do you see writing as a hobby or a profession?
Do you ever start to grow weary in everything involved in being an author and wish all you had to do was write?

Look up the verses that I mentioned above and write down a few that mean the most to you to help encourage you when you need a bit of motivation.

Heather Hart is an internationally best-selling and award-winning author with an unquenchable passion for Jesus. She knows one thing every girl needs is a little honesty, so she’s not afraid to get candid and share her struggles. Her hope is that through her writing, she can help others soak up the love of Jesus. Heather currently resides in a small Texas town with her husband, Paul, and their four quickly-growing children. You can connect with her online by visiting her website BooksFaithandCoffee.com.


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