Raven H. Price Wisdom’s Song

RAVEN H. PRICE: Christian Fantasy/Romance writer who enjoys inspiring people through 
entertainment. She writes stories about God’s love as the theme behind every facet of 
life. In each of her books, you will see how she brings angelic beings to life by giving them 
voices and allowing them to interact with humans.  

Writing in this method gives a supernatural or fantasy element to her writing. Her current
works are The Plan, a trilogy: The Paradigm Shift Trilogy (Convicted, Convinced, &
Commissioned), A Dog Named Derf, Wisdom’s Song, Blinded By The Light, and God’s DNA.
Raven resides in Leesburg, Georgia with her husband and five pets.  She retired from
government service in 2014 and is focusing mainly on her writing, inspiring people
through social media, and learning the marketing game to promote her books.   
You can follow Raven through these links:
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Wisdom’s Song is Raven’s latest fantasy/romance novel.   
She described how it came about as follows:  The idea to write Wisdom’s Song came to me in weird ways.  For 
almost a year everywhere I went, whether in person or online I ran across music or legends about Native
 Americans who were turning their lives over to Christ.
Since I’m from the Albany, Georgia area, where Creek Indians use to live I came up with the idea of God
forming a peace treaty by bringing two cultures together in a romantic tale.  It also gave me the idea of 
bringing Mother Nature to life where people could see how beliefs in her correlate with scripture.
I also want to mention that this book is slightly sexy, but I promise it is not erotic in any way.  By writing this 
way, it allowed me to bring out the differences between lust and love and what happens when hormones rule
our thinking.
I hope I have you intrigued.   WISDOM’S SONG


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