Guest Post Allison Reker
I'd like to thank Allison Reker I found her post very useful and I play online games with my husband and family I can't wait to try out some of her advice. All images are from the great photographers at Pixaby How Video Games Can Transform Your Writing No, I haven’t lost my mind, and I’m not a video game addict either—I am totally serious. I’ve been passionate about writing my whole life; participated in writing groups, gone to conferences, taken more classes on writing than I can remember, and even majored in writing in college. But it was through a video game that I learned to really be a story teller and develop characters that breathed a life of their own. Roleplay Find a game where you can role-play with others. I’m not talking about your standard shoot-em-up, follow the canned story line from point A to point Z until you defeat the big boss kind of game though. I’m talking about the open-ended kind. The games that give you an interactive worl...