Romance For the Heart Facebook Group

Romance For The Heart 

Book Marks
Welcome to our Clean & Christian Authors & Readers group. We'd like to invite you to come over and add us to your favorites, add us to your book marks and save our link so you can find it later and come back often to see what our authors are writing.

We will be sharing Clean Romance, Amish Romance, Westerns, Contemporary Romance, Historical, Suspense, Cozy, Mystery and more. 

Christian Clean Authors Welcome 
We are also looking for Authors that write Clean and Christian Romance. Drop by and add your books to our Sub-genre photo albums, and feel free to advertise once a day. We love learning about new Romance novels. We do want all books to be kept at a PG-13 rating. NO erotica and if you think your book might need a rating of PG-13 or PG-17 be sure and add it to any posts you advertise. We do allow edgy romance but we don't want it too close to the edge. 

Our Group Motto
*We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and is our source of truth. Jesus Christ, God's only Son, came as a man but was still fully God. He was tempted but lived without sin, died, was buried, and rose again as the perfect sacrifice for sin. He lives today to intercede for us. Any books posted in this group should reflect this message in some way.*  
All authors posting here agree to this affirmation of faith. Any books posted should reflect this message in some way.

Our Goal For Romance For The Heart

Our main goal is to give Christian authors a great place to advertise their clean Christian Novels.  We also want to help readers find good clean works with moral values that will help them understand being a Christian isn’t always easy, but that it is something we can do with God’s help. I pray that the books help and bless those who read them. If you find a book you like please leave a review and share with your friends.

Being A Friend  

Thanks for stopping by today. Blessings from all the authors at Romance for the Heart. Remember, be sure to come back to our group whenever you're looking for a good clean Christian novel. We hope you'll also invite your friends to come, too. We want to grow with more readers and more authors. We will have many great novels in our albums to help you fill the days with good clean novels that will not only entertain, but teach you a few life lessons along the way.   

We also have these Genre related groups, listed bellow.
They are just starting but feel free to join them.
In time they will grow and grow. 

Christian & Clean Mystery 
Romance for the Heart 

Thanks all images are from pixabay 

Samantha Fury is the author of the Street justice series.  She's written many articles on book covers, for Indie Authors. She operates several Indie Groups, Editing Services, Cover Artist Groups and many more helpful Indie Facebook groups. In her spare time she designs covers.



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